You know why I hate the "how was your night" question? Because it's stupid and unthoughtful.
I hate this question so much you have no idea.
It's the night, and I sleep with it. I am sleeping, fucking sleeping. How the fuck do you expect me to know how it was....I was fucking unconscious you stupid shithead.
I don't text people good morning because I know this senseless question comes next and what's the response anyways : "my night was fine". Even if it wasn't, I'll still say it was.
How was your night? I don't know bitch I was asleep all through.
Don't even ask me anything....let's end the text. It's better than you asking me "how was your night"
How the hell was your own night?
It's supposed to be the opposite of "how was your day"?......At Least I was conscious during the day, I participated in various activities, but at night......bitch I am asleep, do you expect me to know how it was? 😤
If you dare ask me "how was your night"?...I will block your stanky ass. Istg.
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