Navigating college

Wow! 😯 Christ! It's been so long.  I have missed you guys so so much, just as I've missed blogging.

Time really does fly by fast, huh?!

You see, life just got me and turned me into a seventeen year old workaholic, and the next thing I know,  I'm graduating high school and zoom........ I'm off to college!

Anyhoo, I hope you guys are doing great?? And I hope life has been treating y'all fairly?! πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

Today makes it a week and a day that I have been navigating college and let me tell you,  I am finding it extremely difficult to adapt or adjust to the environment.

I swear to G, college life is not of ease. I have been having to wake up four o'clock,  sometimes five o'clock in the morning!

Can you imagine that???!

And God knows how hard that has been for me, besides I have never been around so much teenagers  in my entire life before πŸ™„

 I'm like WTF??! 

I'm attending a private college called Babcock university.  It's so privately ran,  oh my God, I don't get to eat whatever I want anymore, but what I'm served 😟

Here,  we females aren't allowed to go out on jeans πŸ‘–or leggings or sweatpants,  we're only permitted to wear skirts and dresses πŸ‘—which I hate BTW!

It feels so hard to even make friends with the opposite sex because they intimidate me,  I mean,  they're all so tall and fine and I feel like all they want to do is fuck around with girls 😞😞

If you think you're about the prettiest girl in the world,  lemme disappoint you; when you get to college,  you will definitely see someone who's better looking than you and someone that you look better than and someone that looks better than the person that looks better than you.

College is just so many young peoples in one place,  all trying to acquire one thing or the other whereby some come out with loads of knowledge and some come out with pregnancy or a baby or HIV or.....some don't even come out at all!

For now, if anybody asks me,  I hate college; I miss home. Although, I have a good feeling that in the long run,  it'll get better and I'll feel better!

This is my navigation of college experience so far, so good. I'll let y'all know how it goes as I continue the navigation.........

Peace ✌
